Our Professional Services

Info Personnel assists you with the tedious and problematic aspects of acquiring good staff.
Info Personnel is characterised by the way the company enables clients and candidates to keep their independence and confidentiality.
The basis of our success lies in seeking the greatest benefits for all clients, staff and management.

Contract Placements

Delivering a specific service where the client would appoint a contractor through Info Personnel, making Info Personnel responsible for salaries, benefits and relevant levies.

Info Personnel is made responsible for all BCEA matters, payroll, disciplinary hearings etc.

With a wide range of candidates from all sectors of industry in South Africa, we can assist you.

Temporary Placements

Placement of a candidate for a specific period of time, usually short term.

Info Personnel has a large database of candidates available over a large spectrum of industries.

Permanent Placements


Finding suitable candidates for permanent employment with a client:

Candidates are sourced from our extensive database, using the criteria given by the client.
Candidates are pre-screened and the most suitable are placed on a short list, which is presented to the client.
All qualifications are verified. Credit and criminal checks can be done on the client’s request.

Payroll Outsourcing

Info Personnel is registered with all the relevant organisations, such as UIF, SDL, and WCC.
With 20 years experience in the labour industry, and full time, industry specific trained Payroll staff, you can hand over your company’s payroll to us with the greatest peace of mind.
Contact Welma for more information: 014 592 1791, and let us sort out the nitty gritty of new payroll legislation and SARS requirements.